Make a Plan to Vote

Are you registered to vote? Are you certain?

Confirm your voter registration here:

Change your voter registration information:

If are not registered, please register with the Secretary of State in your area:

Will you be home on election day, Wednesday, November 5?

If not, the first day to request an absentee ballot is August 7, 2024, and the last day to request the absentee ballot is October 29, 2024!

The date and method* to request the ballot varies by state. You can find the information for your state here:

*In Tennessee, an absentee ballot may only be requested by mail. Check your state.

Deadlines for mailing or delivering absentee ballots vary widely by state. Check the rules and deadlines for your state here:

This site also provides an option to track your vote

Early voting options.

All but three states permit early in-person voting. Information about your state’s early voting procedures is here: Scroll down for the map

Make a plan to help a friend, neighbor or relative.

Do you know someone who will have difficulty getting to the polls or navigating the absentee process?

Can you help?

Drive a voter to the polls

Assist in checking their registration status and polling place for them

Send a gift card for an uber/lift/taxi


Kamala Kalls is resource page to support the over 100 women healthcare leaders joining daily and weekly calls to learn what they can do to keep people informed, get involved, and to get people to the polls in the 2024 election.

If you find yourself here, we hope you'll join us and share any helpful links you find here!

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